The Journey Begins

Weeks of stress, sweat, and labor have culminated with a relaxing seat listening to the peaceful droning of jet engines. The journey has begun. The caterpillar of pressure and burden has morphed into a butterfly of anticipation and -- yes, I will be honest -- a tinge of anxiety.  The adrenaline rush of takeoff cannot dispel the sorrow we feel at leaving so many loved ones behind, but a task beckons as a new life awaits us. We are leaving good memories and pleasant places… and many loving, kind people -- people who have encouraged us, worked with us, supported us, loved us, and cried with us -- people without whom this journey would not have begun. For all of you, we are grateful.

Our day began at 4:00 am after a busy night (ending at midnight) of repacking luggage to avoid that tyrannical 50 lb. limit. We were blessed by along the way, though: first by my parents who stayed at the hotel with us and accompanied us to the airport, tipping the driver and helping with heavy bags and luggage tickets;  then by the energetic, gregarious shuttle driver who gave an entertaining speech on the way to the airport and then used his tip to rent us carts for our nine suitcases, three carry-ons, guitar, and three computer bags/purses; and lastly by the ticket agent who overlooked our 52 lb bag (the rest were amazingly all 47-50 lbs)and allowed us to carry on Sandy's guitar with no extra charge. We are overwhelmed with peace.


  1. So happy to have learned of your blog and to see how our Father is answering.

  2. So glad you have started this blog. I look forward to reading regularly. Keep on sharing!


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